It's hard to believe we are coming up on chapter 17 of this story already, but we are! It's been a crazy busy week already, so it's not going to be a long chapter, but it will hopefully still be on time!
If I ever met Renee Swan, I was probably going to kill her. At the very least, I was going to dress her up as a light heavyweight and toss her in the cage. Of course, as much as I wanted to have a quick and easy target to blame all this shit on, I knew there were other culprits as well.
“Those fuckers at the res,” I said. “The Blacks. They just reminded you of that shit all the time, didn’t they?”
“They’re the ones who were willing to-”

“Bullshit!” I yelled. She jumped a little in my arms, and I held her closer. “That shit Jacob was spewing at you wasn’t anything you should feel grateful for!”
“No one else would,” she whispered. “How else am I supposed to feel?”
“Like those fuckers did you wrong,” I replied instantly. “They could have told you none of that shit was your fault, like they should have done in the first place. But no – they let it all fester to make sure you stuck around. Fuckers.”
“Your parents threw you out, too,” she said. “From what little you have told me, anyway. At least Billy let me stay.”
“Totally different,” I said.
“You going to tell me how so?”
I hesitated. I didn’t want to go into any of this shit with her. I didn’t want her to know about it, think about it, or ask me about it. If she did, I’d have to remember everything, too.
“You aren’t are you?” she said as she sat up a little to look at me. “You don’t ever plan on telling me anything about yourself, do you?”
“I’ve told you some shit.”
“You told me about a time period that lasted less than twelve months,” she spat back.
“You don’t want to hear it,” I muttered. “None of it matters now anyway.”
“There you go,” she said as she rolled off my chest and sat up a little against the pillows to look at me. “Letting me know what’s best for me. You realize that’s the main reason I left La Push, right?”
Ooo....information revealed! What's it's all about? Check out the new chapter Friday night at 10pm Eastern time! See you then!