
Full Time Writer

Yes, folks - if you haven't already heard on Twitter or Facebook, I have officially decided to leave the corporate world and write full time.  Last day is August 14th!  I'm incredibly excited and absolutely terrified.  I think I'm going to need a vacation just to get my head on straight.  Thankfully, the cruise is already booked!

I'm trying to figure out what all I need to do to get myself organized for this "self employment" endeavor.  I know there is a lot, and I want to make sure I'm playing it smart.  I'm usually overly cautious, so I'll probably be all right, but that doesn't stop the paranoia!  LOL

Thanks again for all of your support - I definitely wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you!

Writing Status:
Uncockblockable - written and off to editing
Otherwise Unharmed - writing in progress
Transcendence - debating title
Bastian and Raine, Book 2 - outline started

And not to forget:
Not What She Seems - way behind, but intend to catch back up when life allows.  I hope to start posting regularly after August 14th!

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