
Trying to Normalize...

As you may have already heard, my mother-in-law passed away yesterday surrounded by her children and grandchildren.  It was difficult for everyone, but relatively peaceful.  She was the family matriarch in many, many ways, and has very large shoes to fill.  I've heard people complain about mother-in-laws (in sitcoms more than anywhere), but I don't have a single complaint.  She welcomed me into her family like I was her own.  She will be deeply missed, but I am also glad her pain is gone.

With regard to the TwiFic Meetup - I will still be there.  I will likely be leaving early Saturday morning for services, but will then return Saturday evening.  Not sure of exact times just yet, and it's all subject to change.  I do definitely still plan on taking people to the 676 Restaurant and Bar for Martinis and Peanut Butter and Jelly Waffles!

I'll be buying the first round for Liz, mollybean, Jiffsimpson, TrixieandTess, and Sally, but everyone is welcome to join us!  You'll love the place, and hopefully see why I had to include the staff in Otherwise Occupied! :) 

Bonus - all my paperback copies of Surviving Raine arrived in the mail yesterday, so I shall have those with me!

Thanks for all of the thoughts and prayers for my family.  Very much appreciated.  Looking forward to meeting people this weekend!

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