
Offside, Chapter 12

Go to the poll at the bottom of the home page here after you have read Offside Chapter 12!  Pollis only open until 9:00pm Eastern Daylight time today!  :)


  1. This is such a great obnoxious HS story!! 3-some in HS, let's not cross that line. Doesn't happen. I want to see more Bella interaction as well as Carlisle. Let's save the grossness for those authors that write that stuff. Your lemons are lovable - don't give in to peer pressure!!!

  2. To each their own, I say. Let the masses speak. Thanks for giving your readers the choice! It's a cool idea! : )

  3. Really enjoying this Fic. I have to say I voted No on the question at hand because I think the other girls in question would talk about the experience and if Bella ever over heard she wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole, and I am always looking for a happy ending.

  4. Why not let Bella HEAR him make the offer to the girls and have her confront him about it? It would be a good opportunity for some serious conversation between these two...if he sticks around for the hard questions!

  5. NO Please NO!!!! I like lemonade as much as the next person but not with lots of skanky spittlenin it please cause you know you'll be catching something!!!!

    let them proposition him but he sees Something happen to Rumple, an
    team member try and hook up with her or something and he looses focus and rushes over to see her giving her a smooch so the other guy will back off and Rumple plays along...I dunoo it's your story, just no threesplay with the skanks!!!
    Let him get all jealous and protective over something!!!

  6. Thanks for the choice aye!!!
    Love all your shizzle!!!

  7. Oh come on people! He's a teenage boy with the opportunity of a threesome. Seriously, what teenage boy would pass that up?

  8. Nope. I think Bella would hear about it and that would completely damage his chances even more.

  9. I say he comes close...and has a flash of conscience that leaves him dumb struck and off balance. Let him think on that one for a while!!!!

  10. No contest. What good is a lemon if it's our Edward with two nobodies? I've read enough Lauren/Edward in this story to last me a life time, thank you very much. And it was only a few 100 words so that's saying something. lol

    I hope Bella gets a little wittier in the chapters to come. So far she's only standing out because she's rejecting him. I'd love to see her give him some of his smart lip back while she's doing it, instead of getting flustered and running away.

    This voting thing is fun though! If she lets us do this more often I have a feeling there is going to be less angst than she's used to writing.

  11. No contest. What good is a lemon if it's our Edward with two nobodies? I've read enough Lauren/Edward in this story to last me a life time, thank you very much. And it was only a few 100 words so that's saying something. lol

    I hope Bella gets a little wittier in the chapters to come. So far she's only standing out because she's rejecting him. I'd love to see her give him some of his smart lip back while she's doing it, instead of getting flustered and running away.

    This voting thing is fun though! If she lets us do this more often I have a feeling there is going to be less angst than she's used to writing.

  12. Nope. I think Bella would hear about it and that would completely damage his chances even more.

  13. Thanks for the choice aye!!!
    Love all your shizzle!!!

  14. Why not let Bella HEAR him make the offer to the girls and have her confront him about it? It would be a good opportunity for some serious conversation between these two...if he sticks around for the hard questions!
