
Volvo the Horse

For those who wondered just what a dapple-gray stallion might look like, I think Volvo would look a lot like this one:

Yeah - I updated the pic after Alison informed me I originally posted a picture of a pony. ROFL!!!!! Ummm...yeah - I was just trying to see if anyone was paying attention... um...yeah, that's it!


  1. Bwhahahaha...
    You know when I've seen your tweet I thought you find the new Volvo from Breaking Down.

  2. Oh, I do wish I had seen the original "horse" or better yet I think it would be great for one of your fantastic manipulators to show us that big strong Edward on the pony. I need a good laugh. Loving the story as always.

  3. Love it!! Beautiful, silver and sporty! lol ;D

  4. Love it!! Beautiful, silver and sporty! lol ;D

  5. Okay I know this story is not trying to be accurate or anything, but I have to say the pic you posted of Volvo is a pony and Edwards legs would drag on the ground if he rode him so I have a better pic of a horse that would suit Edwards size and the time period. The horse should be more of a war horse type. Like this http://www.horsemart.co.uk/img/adphotos/544/141544_stallions_at_stud_horse_10_yrs_16_1_hh_grey_kent_photo_1.jpg and possibly even heavier built than this one. Cheers.
