
CBWR? Chapter 34

As I'm sure most have noticed, FFN has been having some issues since yesterday. Instead of keeping you waiting, I'm going to post CBWR? Chapter 34 here on the blog today. I'm only going to do this for this chapter - the others will have to wait until FFN is working again so I can post them.

Give me a while, because I'm going to create it on it's own page, but it should be up at some point this morning.

Thanks a lot for being patient and hanging in there!

Update - read chapter 34 here.


  1. Thank you so much. FFN not working at all. I really need to read CBWR.

  2. JUST got caught up on this twisted little fic...and can't review...!!!

    Your a/n's always make me laugh...YES, click the red x if it offends you!

    I'm hanging in here til the end...because you've totally sucked me in, just like always!

    Katmom (Kathie)

  3. yeah cool, sad that there a promble with FFN, i still cant log in but glad that u are going to post it here so thank you for that:)weekitty

  4. Thank you for posting here.

    BTW, I had to show my marriage license to the DMV in Virginia when I applied for a driver's license. My old driver's license had my married name on it but since my birth certificate (and yes I had to produce that too) had my maiden name on it I had to prove that I was married and my name had been legally changed. Boy, the times we live in.

  5. Still loving where you are going with this story and I love Edward, even though he is a doofus!! Alice though, straight up asshole. Really do not like her in anyone's story. You put your cigarette out on my rug or table, we are going to have a problem!!

  6. My parents, married in 1944, had to pull out their marriage license in the lobby of the hotel in Chicago when checking in. They were on their honeymoon. My father was a Naval officer, in uniform, and both were over 21.

    Your young readers are asking, "Why?"



  7. Have you ever considered moving over to TWCS? The Writer's Coffee Shop seems to be a very dependable site thus far and its super easy to post and edit your stories... AND... you can add pictures and banners. I post both places but if FF.net continues with all its woes, it might be an option for you.

    the website is: www.thewriterscoffeeshop.com from there you can create an account and log in to the library and set up your account.

    Just a suggestion.

    Happy Tuesday!
    Muah ~ Tracy

  8. Have you ever considered moving over to TWCS? The Writer's Coffee Shop seems to be a very dependable site thus far and its super easy to post and edit your stories... AND... you can add pictures and banners. I post both places but if FF.net continues with all its woes, it might be an option for you.

    the website is: www.thewriterscoffeeshop.com from there you can create an account and log in to the library and set up your account.

    Just a suggestion.

    Happy Tuesday!
    Muah ~ Tracy
