
What a day...

There is nothing like a ridiculous day at work (still going on) to the point of missing my dentist appointment and then getting a call from the credit card company for a fraud alert.... sigh. Not my day.

Haven't gotten any writing done, but I've read through a lot more reviews. I'm trying to respond to them all (though it sounds like not everyone gets my responses?), but I definitely read and appreciate every one! I'm going to see what I can get done on UC this evening...


  1. I'm very very curious to find out why Edward picked Bella to be his wife. It's got to be more than love at first sight right?
    Being a handsome knight that he is, he would have his pick of whichever beautiful princesses/ladies of courts. That's why I'm going to continue reading your stories =) Please make it good! =)

  2. You update so regularly that we are spoiled. RL is what supports our not-so-RL. No worries. We will be here.

