An awkward boy with Asperger’s Syndrome, a persistent girl who pulls him out of his isolated existence, and a lottery ticket that will change their lives forever.

Add it to your TBR list on Goodreads today!…/show/31558066-win-some-lose-some
Cover reveal: September 23rd, 2016
Bloggers and reviewers: Make sure you signup though The Next Step PR for the cover reveal, excerpts, ARCs, and more! Like their page today! Signups will begin on Friday, August 25th!…/show/31558066-win-some-lose-some
Cover reveal: September 23rd, 2016
Bloggers and reviewers: Make sure you signup though The Next Step PR for the cover reveal, excerpts, ARCs, and more! Like their page today! Signups will begin on Friday, August 25th!